miércoles, 27 de junio de 2012

Alesia's Birthday with the Family

So fun, as always uncomfortable at the start but then it was great. This one boy talked to me about movies and delt with my Spanish.  Gabi has an adorable blonde haired blue eyed daughter. Nice older woman I think could tell I was feeling awkeard and tried to include me by asking me a question in Spanish I didn't understand.  This resulted in a bright bright red face on my part.  I really like that woman though she always goes out of her way to talk to me and ask me questions. A ton of food and sweets. Alesia liked the ring I gave her, I liked it so I am glad she does.

Little girl kept asking me words to translate to English and got really energetic toward the end of the night.  Both of the boys went to go play legos with the kids, it was kind of adorable.  Her uncle also doted on her it was sweet.

Lots of sipo, Chilean slang

Alesia's pololo is awesome. Him and I talked about religion and traditions in Oklahoma and here. He said it was nice to finally meet me. Such a nice guy to everyone, Alesia picked a good one. It was a great evening and most importantly now I get to sleep.

Tons of cakes, one pineapple,apple, berry and the orange one that Jaime, Alesia's pololo made. The orange was really good!

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